
Thursday, 16 May 2013


In life, following God’s leading is key to your success.

You may ask, why?

Well, the most popular reason is because there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction (Prov 14:12, Prov 16:25). And then, there are many other reasons like- He created you so obviously He knows what is bestest (if there is a word like that) for you. Also, He is the only Wise God. Then again, you were created for a specific purpose (Jer 29:11) and the only way to maximally fulfill it is by inquiring from the One who made you.

But how do you hear Him? How do you know when He is speaking?

Truth is, most of us don’t even listen at all. But when you do ask, God speaks in diverse ways principally through His Word [the hidden message (Rhema) in the written Word (logo) which is revealed to you by His Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13)]. He also speaks through dreams, visions, revelations. Then too, He speaks through impressions in your spirit (sometimes you find yourself saying “I just don’t feel right ‘bout this”). This is what is called the ‘check in the spirit man’, your feeling uneasy or feeling at peace. God hears you when you talk to Him and He does respond, you probably simply aren't listening.

In listening to and hearing God, it is very important to be 101% sure that you are hearing the right person and you heard Him right, because sometimes, it’s just your mind telling you what you would like to hear. Therefore, we should always ensure to make sure of what we hear. You need to exercise a whole lot of patience and you have to be very sensitive.

Most of the things God tell people to do, most times, sound very dumb and stupid to the normal human reasoning. Take Isaac for example, he was told to remain in the land when there was famine (Gen 26:1,3,12). Really dumb right? What about Moses, getting water by hitting the rock (Ex 17:6), then secondly by speaking (Num 20:8). Also, in the covenant of prosperity, it is givers that get wealthier (Luke 6:38, Prov 11:24), but the world system says ACQUIRE! ACQUIRE! ACQUIRE! ……. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 

But then, God’s Ideas always work out best and stress-free. Always!!! It’s not only when you want to pass an exam that you ask God where to read. You should ask Him and confirm from Him about virtually everything, no matter how insignificant it may seem. You should ask what business to invest in, who to marry, where to live, where to school, …. the list goes on and on.

You are supposed to involve your Creator in every area of your life, even if just simply because He definitely knows you more than yourself. Trust me.

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